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June 24, 2022

Justin Sun Talks USDD Stablecoin in Wake of LUNA/UST Unravel

Sparkster promised investors a “no-code” software-creation platform using $30 million in funds raised from investors in 2018.

In this interview, I spoke to Kim about the shift from Web 2 to Web 3, and how she sees blockchain technologies empowering sovereign individuals to thrive in a world built on immersive, inspiring and artistic experiences.

She also explains why today’s pixelated versions of the metaverse are NGMI [Not Gonna Make It], why screens are not our enemy and how DAOs [decentralized autonomous organizations] can facilitate ownership and agency in a radically inclusive, optimistic and resilient future society.

As a pioneering architect of the open metaverse, what do you think people are still getting wrong about virtual worlds today?

In a desperate attempt to stay relevant with crypto-curious audiences, marketers around the world are FOMOing into the metaverse trend, experimenting with everything from branded non-fungible token (NFT) collectibles, to virtual shops and offices, through to issuing their very own cryptocurrencies. But users are often nonplussed, getting the sense these retail schemes are more about supersizing sales than cultivating community, connection, collaboration and co-creation in the new era of Web 3.

In this interview, I spoke to Kim about the shift from Web 2 to Web 3, and how she sees blockchain technologies empowering sovereign individuals to thrive in a world built on immersive, inspiring and artistic experiences.

She also explains why today’s pixelated versions of the metaverse are NGMI [Not Gonna Make It], why screens are not our enemy and how DAOs [decentralized autonomous organizations] can facilitate ownership and agency in a radically inclusive, optimistic and resilient future society.


Blockchain and ESG

This month, Hoskinson attended the Milken Institute Global Conference, an annual gathering of muckety-mucks in Los Angeles, and picked up auspicious signals for blockchain builders.

Topic A was environmentally responsible business practices, known under the acronym ESG (environmental, social and governance).

“The No. 1 thing they were talking about was, how do we do the ESG part, from the oil companies’ perspective, from the battery-powered car company [perspective], from the government perspective?” Hoskinson said.